
Card Pack Image Description
Red Pack Red Pack It contains six cards. At least one card is guaranteed to be missing or have three or more stars. Gold cards are prioritized amongst those missing cards. If there are no missing gold cards, there is an 80% boost in the chance that one of the cards will be a card from sets with one card remaining to be completed.
Purple Pack Purple Pack It contains six cards at least one of them being three or more stars. There is a 33% boost in the chance for one of the cards to be a missing card on the third purple pack opened if the previous two purple packs didn’t include a missing card. The boost goes up to 66% on the fourth pack and up to 100% for one of the cards to be missing on the fifth consecutive purple pack if the previous ones didn’t include a missing card.
Blue Pack Blue Pack It contains four cards.
Green Pack Green Pack It contains three cards.
Brown Pack Brown Pack It contains two cards.
Card Type * Initial Probability
1-Star Silver Card 34.35%
2-Star Silver Card 26.23%
3-Star Silver Card 17.56%
4-Star Silver Card 10.62%
5-Star Silver Card 6.25%
Gold Card 5.00%

*There is a dynamic probability method that includes a certain number of each card in a card pool from the collection. Therefore, the probability of a card being picked changes as the previously picked cards are removed from the pool.